I have gone through your website, really its very good start about Urdu Language.
I/we are doing for the promotion of Urdu & other Indian languages in a scientific method under the National Testing Service- India, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore
Date: 14/01/2014 | By: Dr.Md.Saleem (NTS-India)
Excellent Website for Teachers
Date: 13/01/2014 | By: Wafiuddin Ahmed
I would like to thank you sir for providing useful information for teachers and sending the updates on mobile 24*7
Regarding ur website
Date: 27/12/2013 | By: MOHD.NASEERUDDIN S.A BIO MEDAK TOWN U/M https://naseeraptf.webnode.com
Masha Allah your website is xlent and having valuable information about edu dept you have to do more hardwork on this website
Re: Regarding ur website
Date: 27/12/2013 | By: https://naseeraptf.webnode.com
Thanks a lot still we need your suggestions-
congrats for the initiative
Date: 25/11/2013 | By: sutanoor786@yahoo.com
very positive initiative u started
Re: congrats for the initiative
Date: 10/12/2013 | By: sutanoor786@yahoo.com
Moahmmed Toufeeq ur Rahman
To appreciate for the begining from urdu union.
Date: 20/11/2013 | By: Mohd.Mashook Rabbani.
It is very much glad to see new siteof urdu community from warangal district. I congratulate your union team efforts,and also request you to give valuable uptodate information to our Teacher community including muslim community as a whole.
Re: To appreciate for the begining from urdu union.
Date: 24/11/2013 | By: Mohammed Toufeeq ur Rahman
Dear Friend
Thanks a lot .We agree with your valuable suggestions and we extend our efforts not only to the teaching ommunity of Urdu but also our efforts is to serve the Muslim community as whole.
Best Wishes
Mohammed Toufeeq ur Rahman
اردو کا استعمال ہونا چاہیے
Date: 06/11/2013 | By: سید عظیم قریشی، لائینگویج پنڈت (اردو)۔
اسلام علیکم
آپ کا ویب دیکھ کر بہت خوشی ہوئی ، چلو شروعات تو ہو گئی، آپ کو بہت بہت مبارک ہو، مگر آپ سے گزارش ہے کہ آپ اس سائید پر اردو کا استعمال ضرور کریں۔ کیونکہ یہ یونین اردو ٹیچرس کی ہے، شکریہ
آپ کا خیر اندیش
سید عظیم قریشی
لائینگویج پنڈت ( اردو)۔